

  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • Graphic Design
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Growth Hack Strategy

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.

Lumind IDSC is a foundation that focuses on research to hasten the provision of down syndrome medical care, diagnostic tools, and treatments. With Captivate as a partner, the charity was able to expand, becoming the largest community online for people with down syndrome.

Color Palette

We helped Lumind boost its established image with the new website, all while remaining loyal to the brand.

Miami Marmalade


Greeen Caterpillar




Results Delivered

Lumind’s mission is to transform the lives of individuals with Down syndrome by promoting research that leads to new therapies, and by providing resources and support for individuals and families affected by the condition.

Becoming the largest Digital Down Syndrome community. Their webpage offers articles, services, events, and many more functions in a very straightforward manner. The organization reached higher donations, increased its virtual population and widen it’s clinical connection through web page setup

Project Stats


People in our online community - The largest digital Down Syndrome Community


Dollars devoted to Down Syndrome research projects since 2004


Clinical site organizations in the Down Syndrome Clinical Trials Network (DS-CTN)